Time & Time Again We Fail!

We fail forward to success but we never quit.

Yes we do. We fail often and hard. When our pride says we can’t go through hardships and be successful, it’s a difficult pill to swallow that it seems to happen so often.

But isn’t that where we have the greatest ability to learn and grow in the most difficult times? I mean right in the center of it all?!

If our perspective is correct in the midst of hardships, a busy season of life, or any other interrupting situation that keeps us from our best self, we can take those seemingly impossible moments, see the good in the bad, mature, and learn and grow from what those situations can show us. I always say when you don’t win you learn.

It takes practice, training, and proper MOTIVATION. In addition, placing others in our life that can keep us accountable to overcome while failing from time to time. But, never quitting.

Quitting is much different than failing! 

Quitting is completely giving up. Throwing in the towel and waving your white flag. Quitting shrinks your belief in yourself on both a conscious and subconscious level to where you are depressed and don’t even know why.

Quitting doesn’t just affect you it affects those around you, ending people’s trust in what you say.

Your ability to speak life into others, getting them to listen and heed your words, is directly related to following through faithfully with what you say. Do you practice what you preach? Should people trust what you say?

Quitting affects your confidence and your ability to believe not just yourself, but in others too.

We all know what insanity is. It’s doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Doing the same thing and hoping this time will be different if you just try harder without training.

Insanity is our culture in American. If you’re not supported by like-minded,  overcoming, capable souls, the chances of you getting eaten up by the crazy is inevitable. The magnetizing efforts of insanity is like a hidden cancer or disease that finally becomes visible.

The thought process that if you don’t feel like doing it, you don’t have to, has given birth to entitlement, laziness, unhealthy mental and physical attributes. This not only destroys their own lives but many generations to follow.

When things are generally easy, it’s easy for a reason. You have to work hard for what you want, it doesn’t just show up at your door step. We need the right people in our lives.

Believe it or not, we train people how to treat us.

I hear it in every session of life coaching. Through and through, unmotivated people suck the life out of you because they take time and energy, listening and serving them in every way, every day. If you keep this up without communicating the truth to them in love, they will continue to suck the rest of your life away because you allow them too. You have taught them this was ok through your actions and lack of proper communication, leaving you drained, unmotivated and quitting once again. Something you know deep down inside you shouldn’t, but you do anyway.

I say “proper communication” because I’m not talking about when you get to your final end and you explode with justification and rationalization. There is nothing rational about letting things build up until you can’t handle them anymore. We must learn how to communicate and round the bases while creating stronger bridges for the future.

Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. Structure, discipline and sacrifice over time are the key ingredients to complete change.

Most times people do what’s easiest which is usually instant gratification followed by feelings of shame and guilt only adding more despair and frustration.

We all must be properly motivated to do those things that once seemed unreachable. 

We all desire to learn on the mountain tops of life, of course we want to stay there forever! Unfortunately, these are fleeting moments, however did you know we can bring those moments back?!

We must do a better job at building memorials, remembering those moments at the top that you worked so very hard to accomplish through accountability, discipline and sacrifice.

This is where change sticks and keeps you motivated more often, tapping into the recesses of our heart, our mind and embracing the truth that you are capable. That failing is inevitable and quitting is now impossible.

Celebrate and keep building those memorial stones, keeping them fresh in your memory, motivated to go one more mile!

There is a way to help others who have a hard time helping themselves without enabling them. We teach this process at SCE through life coaching. If you want to learn more, please contact us. If you don’t learn this process, your love and servitude will eventually die and we just can’t give what we don’t have.

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