What our clients have to say...
6-Week Challenge
My New Year's resolution was to get in shape for bike season. I decided to invest in myself and try out K.Jay's 6-week challenge at SCE Fitness. I was skeptical at first, but after a couple of weeks, I started to see improvements. My mobility/flexibility was improving. I was able to do the group exercises with more ease, and I was already losing weight.
While working out at SCE, K.Jay even helped me work on an old tennis elbow injury. Over the 6 weeks, I lost a net of 20lbs. I lost 24lbs of fat and gained 4lbs of lean muscle. I couldn't have been happier with my results. I have continued to practice the dietary tips I learned from K.Jay and have continued working out. I am now down 30lbs from the start of the 6-week challenge! I want to thank K.Jay and everyone at SCE Fitness for pushing and motivating me to be better every day.
"This truly has changed my life for the better and if I could go back, I would do it again!"

Lose Weight & Gain Muscle Mass
My goal was to reduce my stomach fat and gain muscle mass. It seemed impossible to gain good lean body tissue, because usually you look for a gym to lose weight. When I started I had pain in my knee and back. I thought this would stop me from doing my exercises the right way. Meeting K.Jay has been one of the biggest blessings I have received in my life.
When I told him about my goals, he told me with assurance that we would work hard to reach them. He gave me a food plan that he designed just for me. Today I continue on my food plan and I can do things now that I never believed I could do. He helped me believe in myself, taking all the lies out of my head. My knee and back pain disappeared. I feel strong, healthy, and positive. Today I weigh 128lbs and only need 2 more to reach my desired weight. I'm amazed by how K.Jay works. He concentrates on my goals as if they were his. He pushes me forward and is very positive. He never takes "I can't" as an answer. His attitude is very empowering and professional. He has an excellent team. I recommend K.Jay 100%. If you put yourself in his hands, you will not only reach your goal but find more than you can imagine.
"I see K.Jay's ministry as a rescue from life, not only physically, but emotionally and mentally."
Healthy Lifestyle
My journey towards a healthy lifestyle started 3 years just before my 50th birthday. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired as well as never feeling good or having any energy. I tried doing workouts on my own but wasn't making much progress or getting the results I wanted. Then I saw K.Jay's (SCE Fitness) notice at the gym for a 6 week boot camp. I decided it was time to try something different...hey it was only 6 weeks.
I started K.Jay's boot camp with my only goals being to lose weight and tone up my body. It wasn't easy at first and my body felt muscles I didn't know existed. But K.Jay has such energy and he made the class fun. The camp gave me the extra push and accountability I needed. Finally I started seeing results and my energy level increased. As I felt better, it motivated me to keep going.
I've lost 14lbs and 20 inches overall. In addition, my body fat went from 35.5% to 12.43%. This has enabled me to do activities I didn't have the confidence to try or think I could do. This healthy lifestyle has led me to actually run Bloomsday the last two years, complete a half marathon, and complete 6 Spartan races. Plus an added bonus was placing in the top of my age group!
"If you desire a change and want to enjoy your life to the fullest then you have to be a part of what is happening at SCE Fitness."

Before & After
After 15 months at SCE Fitness I lost 20lbs and 16.5 inches overall. My initial goal was to get ready for the STP (Seattle to Portland) bike ride. This is a 2 day 100 mile per day ride that I wanted to do for 20 years and it was 5 short months away. My motto was "failure is not an option." I nailed it! Rather I should say K.Jay helped me nail it! I felt great and exceeded my expectations at the event. I wouldn't have trained very well by myself.
After the 1 on 1 training with K.Jay, I joined the group workout sessions. This provided encouragement and accountability (it helps that my wife is in the class also). It's exciting to see the others in the group achieve their goals and succeed. One year ago I couldn't run on e mile without stopping. Today I can do up to 14 miles. So far I have completed Bloomsday and the Spartan Beast. At some point a marathon is in my future. The benefits of K.Jay's training include physical and mental improvements as well. The physical training has helped my level of stress drop significantly.
The investment one pays today in dollars for training will pay dividends later in better health and wellness. K.Jay will not only help you with fitness, but nutrition, sleeping habits, and goal setting. I highly recommend K.Jay and implore (encourage) you to call him TODAY for a consultation!
"K.Jay is an outstanding professional who is not only concerned about one's training and achievements, but the person as a whole."
Weight Loss
One of the best decisions I have made has been starting the 6 Week Challenge with K.Jay. Before joining I had gained considerable weight due to being inactive through the years. This resulted in not feeling good, and even getting high blood pressure.
When I met with K.Jay, the first thing he did was interview me to ask me what my goals were for the 6 Week Challenge and gave me a personalized diet. As soon as I started, my life changed 180 degrees. In the first two weeks, I could see changes in myself, experienced weight loss, felt great, but above all eliminated my high blood pressure. At the end of the 6 weeks, I completed my personal goals. The difference can be seen in my 'before' and 'after' photos.
I want to thank K.Jay for his professionalism, love, and care that he has had for me in helping me to achieve my goals.
"I recommend SCE Fitness because it will change your life and help you move towards achieving your health goals that you could not elsewhere."

Weight Loss
I started working out with K.Jay in October 2012. When I first met him, I was very skeptical of what help he could give me. I had been to many gyms and trainers by this point and they never did seem to be the best fit. I was very driven to lose weight and learn how to exercise. K.Jay was patient with me as we worked out and gained a trust with each other.
I have learned so much about eating better, about how to understand the changes in my body, to learn to listen to it when it was too much and I didn't want to stop. K.Jay as a trainer, will push you to succeed. All you need is the right attitude and motivation to keep coming back.
"K.Jay is more than a trainer. He is a counselor, a motivator, a drill sergeant, and my greatest cheerleader for all the small milestones and successes."
Several years ago I knew that it was time to make some serious changes in my life. For years I disrespected my body and myself by seeking unhealthy ways to cope during difficult times.
I started by going to a generic personal trainer, I lost a few pounds but was not enthusiastic about the process. Wanting to see more results, I added extra workouts by joining the classes that K.Jay was offering during lunches at my work. Meeting K.Jay was a huge turning point for me. His style of inspiration, motivation, and insane workouts was exactly what I needed to figure out what was holding me back and get a glimpse of all that I could do. I have moved all my workouts to SCE Fitness because not only ware the workouts fun an effective, the community of people is incredible.
Recently I jointed the SCE food program and it was a huge wakeup call to see what healthy portions look like compared to what I had been consuming prior. The best benefits have been the simple ones. I have started doing a lot more things I love like being in nature and camping.
"I have lost over 50 lbs, increased my lean body mass, and can breathe and move easier."

Weight Loss
For several years I have gained weight and was making bad decisions with my eating habits. I was at the heaviest I have ever been. My back ached, my hips ached and I knew I needed to make a change in my life before things got worse.
I have been with SCE Fitness for 3 months now, have lost about 20lbs, and feel great! I have joined a lot of gyms over the years and would quit because I would get frustrated when I wouldn't see any results as I have at SCE Fitness. K.Jay is great and he really knows what he is doing. He really cares about your success.
"I really enjoy the workouts!"
I've been in and out of shape most of my life. This was a point in life where I did not work out and ate or drank everything. Basically, I was out of control. I joined the SCE Fitness program in late January 2015. Due to my travel for work, sometimes I would miss a few weeks every month. K.Jay would give me workouts to do in the hotel, which really helped me to stay focused. K.Jay taught me how to exercise the right way, to burn fat and build lean muscle. During these exercises he would push me to my limits and beyond. It was this push that I needed to get back on track physically.
K.Jay's workouts have made me stronger and more fit than I have been in a very long time. I could have achieved better results with a more strict meal plan, but the workouts alone keep me on track, and progressing in the right direction. I have more results I would lie to sachieve, but these first year results don't lie.
"I want to thank you K.Jay for getting me back in shape."

Fitness Journey
My fitness journey started a few years ago. I had never been in very good shape. Even in the Navy I was just barely fit enough to make it through the physical fitness tests. When I got out of the Navy I completely stopped working out and gained a lot of weight. When we moved to Spokane in 2010, we started realizing that this area was much more active and healthier than the Midwest. In 2012 Niki and I decided we needed to make some changes to be healthier and happier. We started eating better and as we lost weight, we started moving more.
In 2016 I had lost about 60 lbs and I was starting to get more serious about my fitness. I was able to do some things that I never thought I would ever be able to do. I felt like I was spinning my wheels at the regular gym I was going to. I was tired of machines and treadmills. I needed something that would change me physically and mentally.
That's when I found SCE Fitness. I immediately knew I found the right place and the right people to help me grow and reach my goals. Since then I have attempted many different obstacles, some successfully and some not. But that's the point. Try something because you can't do it yet. Then keep trying until it's easy, then find something new. Everyone at SCE is extremely helpful and encouraging. There are many inspirational people here with struggles and battles of their own. I am honored to work alongside them.
"I now believe that with the SCE family behind me I can and will achieve any fitness goal I lay out before me."
Fitness Journey
My fitness journey began with a Groupon...yes a Groupon. A friend of mine knows someone who has a gym and suggested that I try his Groupon out. It turned out to be the same gym that my nephew and his wife had been going to for awhile. I had seen the changes in them (Greg and Rhonda) and wanted to do something about my fitness.
I have always played sports in high school and had a tennis scholarship in college. I have always run, biked, skied, swam, etc, but something was missing. I have always loved to eat...who doesn't? But I knew eating the way I was wasn't good. I told K.Jay that I would try this out and probably quit after the Groupon ran out because I thought I would learn what to do then on my own...WRONG...almost 3 years later I'm still going and absolutely love it! K.Jay is so knowledgeable about everything from nutrition to fitness to motivation...he's got it.
I gradually improved and after a year I was finally able to climb a rope. I was determined to do it. I have lost about 25 lbs and 20% body fat and gained lean muscle mass. I thought I wouldn't do a Spartan Race but I've done 5 now and I'm getting ready to do the Beast to complete the Trifecta at the age of 60! Don't think you're too old to start your fitness journey...you aren't.
"You couldn't ask for a better place to be with a great group of people who will lift you up when you're down and praise you with your accomplishments."

Life Transformation
I have grown in 4 months from not knowing how I drove home the first day of the challenge (my body was in shock) to loving every minute of pushing myself for myself! I continue to receive coaching from K.Jay on personalizing my food plan and exercise regime. My husband has embraced the whole foods / plant-based life, and he too has lost weight. I just turned 65, have lost 32 pounds, over 15 inches, and feel fantastic. I am achieving and exceeding my initial goals, am strong, and I love the environment that K.Jay and his trainers provide.
It is a privilege to be part of a greater whole that provides caring, compassion, and discipline to the members. All you need to do is plan, commit, and then do it. Just breather, put one foot in front of the other, and it will happen!
"SCE has been a blessing to me."
Want to Change 4 Life?
We understand that adapting new fitness habits is difficult and oftentimes we fail. Our goal is to change your view on fitness so that it becomes a part of who you are and your lifestyle. We strongly believe that if you practice healthy habits, you will be able to obtain a healthy, balanced lifestyle.