I write to you as I write and remind myself of these things - it’s good practice.
The roots of Change are developed through 3 areas of focus CULMINATING together to produce radical transformation!
1. Soul:
You need to know and remember why you started. Deep down in our souls we know what’s right. Getting ourselves to do it is simply remembering the reason we started in the first place. We need to write it down and keep the why we began before us always. When we know we need to be doing something and we don’t do it, this builds unrest in our soul. People go from failing well and learning the tools for how to change to quitting because of shame, guilt, and frustration. Desire, will, and motivation will come when we keep reminding ourselves of the truth.
2. Mind:
Your mind can lead you to action or inaction based on what you do more often. The mind is a complex network of thought processes and consciousness that arise from the neurological activity of the brain. We can divide our mind into three layers: conscious, unconscious, and subconscious. For time's sake (of keeping your attention), the mind trains the brain to act and react in certain ways. Yes, there is a major difference between the mind and the brain. The brain is the organ located inside our skull that regulates all physical functions of the human body. It is a vital part of our central nervous system (CNS) that serves as the hub for gathering, organizing, and disseminating information throughout the body. Most of our body’s organs are under its control. Simply, the mind influences our behavior. As we teach our kids, it takes rigorous consistency. It is the same with our change too, it becomes a natural part of our life like breathing.
In my first year of salvation, God put a man in my life who helped me naturally implement never having to use an alarm clock again. My point wasn’t to learn how to not use an alarm. It was that I wanted to spend more time with God and what better time than in the morning to get my mind, my heart, and my body ready for the day. I worked at it diligently and imperfectly and in 6 months I never had to use an alarm clock again. I can literally tell myself when to wake up in the morning and I do. Why? Because I have trained with the right motivation that came from deep down in my soul and when the morning of great difficulty came I was able to overcome it through asking questions and learning the tools that helped me be alert, conscious, and aware.
I let my feelings take a back seat because I wanted to know God more than I wanted to quit and I knew if I kept at it as my friend told me, I would eventually get better at it and guess what, I did! We can apply this to being healthy and strong for others, being a good steward of our body is, as Paul says, a form of worship to God. Desire, will, and motivation will come when we keep reminding ourselves of the truth.
3. Body:
The body does what the brain has been taught by the mind to do over time, but is inspired by the soul. The soul is what gets you going, knowing something is on or off track. The mind is stimulated by a desire to do what we know is right which enables the brain to learn through time where there once was great difficulty. Strain is now a normal part of life, but it doesn’t feel like it. The energy you spent working on that area of change is now harnessed to another area that needs mending and we call this maturity. The body does what it has been trained to do, not by trying harder but by learning the tools through failure. Failure is good. Quitting is not. We never quit. We only learn from making mistakes, failing often and getting back up. This builds endurance which builds perseverance which builds character and character builds hope and hope,…well you get the picture. It produces something unfathomable which in time gives birth to joy and that my friends, comes from the Father.☝🏾
Desire, will, and motivation will come when we keep reminding ourselves of the truth. Keep building your life on it! And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing:
Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Philippians 4:8

K.Jay Davis
Master Fitness & Life Coach
NESTA Certified Personal Trainer
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