Advantages of Being Part of a Private Gym

Private Gym Advantages in Spokane

I remember sitting in psychology class, hearing a term that would change the very fabric of physical training at SCE Fitness forever! That term was called “group think”.

After hearing how Hitler used this term to bring such atrocity and insanity to so many at one time truly blew my mind. How could so many people believe the exact same terrible way!?

But, I thought, if this could be used for bad how much more could it be used for good?

I felt inspired to put this mindset into action.

Not only did this term change the way we trained, but it gave me back my sanity, energy and hope for the future.

Before the Gym

I was working close to 72 hours a week with clients. This was unmanageable, leaving little room for anything else in my life.

One on one training was close to all I did, but after seeing the fruit of others coming together, sharpening one another in healthy and healing ways, I knew we would never be the same.

We learned how to appropriately train and lead others through this military mindset. The relationships that are built through time, trust and hardships, reap the very best long-term friendships and the greatest good in others.

There is a time and place for many things and knowing what those are individually comes from coaches listening to the past, current and future hurts and pains of our clients.

Why You Should be Part of a Gym

The greatest advantage of being part of SCE, a private gym, is that we build each other up, we learn from and subconsciously push each other far beyond what you can do by yourself.

The detail of this term, “group think” is beyond the scope of this blog but it is the ingredients at SCE Fitness that will take you to a place you can’t imagine.

As many here came to better themselves, very few came to win races — however, through the process of learning the body it’s inevitable to desire to test your full ability. In most cases here, that means winning. Not just races — but in life.

I greatly look forward to working together to serve you and take you far beyond the current standards you have for yourself.

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SCE Fitness, Spokane, WA

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104 West 3rd Ave. Spokane, WA 99201

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